Mechanism of Action
We are developing transformative personalized targeted T cell therapies for cancers to unleash the patient’s immune response effectively against cancer. Geneius’s Targeted DiversiTy™ platform is designed to re-educate the patient’s natural T cells to become more responsive to multiple tumor specific antigens that were previously overlooked by their immune system. This process delivers a specific and durable immune response that we believe is less susceptible to tumor immune evasion. This re-education of the patient’s T cells without genetic engineering is more effectively done outside of the patient’s body in a lab process designed by Geneius.


Geneius produces T cells that are reactive with previously overlooked antigens and that we believe will result in superior killing, homing and duration of response. The company has created a good manufacturing process (GMP) to produce of T cells from peripheral blood for infusion into the patient as we are developing transformative personalized targeted T cell therapies for cancers to unleash the patient’s immune response effectively against cancer. We believe that our products will create a new and effective immune response that will seek and destroy cancer all over the body and lead to a durable anti-cancer response. We have the pre-clinical data on our lead product candidate for EBV+, NHL, gastric and solid cancers that will enable us to treat the first patient shortly.
Geneius Biotechnology developed a GMP for manufacturing T cells when developing transformative personalized targeted T cell therapies for cancers. Geneius named this good manufacturing process T Direct. T Direct is a process for producing T cells to previously overlooked antigens. From 100 ml of blood of a patient, we:
collect peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs); and
pulse these PBMCs with antigenic peptides to get 4 billion cells.
The T cells are then grown in a culture including a proprietary cytokine cocktail. In 4 weeks, enough T cells have been generated with the appropriate antigen specificity and phenotypes (killing, homing and duration of response) to be infused into the patient.

Geneius Biotechnology
12 Michigan Drive
Natick, MA 01760
Ph: (781) 856-7589